Tech Stack

Coding practices

300+ & 3+


search solutions

Data structures & Algorithms

  1. Book:
    “Data Structures and Algorithms in JAVA”(Entry)
    “Intro to Algorithms”(Promition)

Java Conceptions

Thinking in Java;
Effective Java;

Big data

Bid data interview blog

Threads & Locks

  1. Difference between Threads & Process
  2. Multithreads, lock, semaphore
  3. Resource management
  4. Deadlock and how to prevent
  5. Blocking Queue implement
  6. Producer-Consumer implement

Careerup interview question 1
Careerup interview question 2


implement Singleton, Factory and MVC pattern. Design a class: LRU, Trie, Iterator, BST, Blocking Queue.

System design

View engineering blogs as many as possible


Extremely familiar own projects.

Soft skills

Active to learn;
Quick to learn;
Excellent communication ability.