Cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user’s computer by the user’s web browser while the user is browsing.
Why Cookie?
To remember stateful information:
is logged in?
shopping car
state on filling a long form
browse history(ads)
Server uses “Set-Cookie” to pass a cookie to Client;
Client uses “Cookie” to pass a cookie back to Server.
Browser sends a HTTP GET request;
Server sends a HTTP GET response with Set-Cookie;
Browser sends the Cookie in following requests.
we sue Cookie to implement Session.
We never want to store Plain password.
Hash function: SHA1(Still not safe); MD5(MD5 is broken ,never use it);
Rainbow table attack;
Password Collision.
SHA1 with SALT
1 | f(password, salt) = hash(password + salt) |
generating a random salt makes the password harder to be broken.1
hash([provided password] + [stored salt]) == [stored hash]
the user is authenticated.
SHA1 with SALT is not 100%
it just adds extra effort to crack a password;
binary and data should be isolated;
focus more on web related security;
social engineering & phishing can make all protections.(主要攻破途径)